Home>Product>Copyboard>N-214 Series>Write

Benefits of the Copyboard

Write : 4 panels of writeing space to hold all the ideas generated during an active meeting

4 panels of writing space

No more stopping to save and erase-keep everything and go back to what you wrote earlier with a single touch.

4panels of writing space

Smooth-sliding sheet

The loop formation sheet allows you to make more writable room with your hand without interrupting your discussions.

Smooth sliding sheet

Magnet-attachable surface

Magnet sheet

Use magnets to stick drawings and the like onto the board. (This is the first sheet-type Copyboard with this function.)

Magnet sheet (optional)

Magnet sheet2

Need a timer or calculator? Stick it to the frame of the board! You can stick a magnetic sheet to the frame side, thereby customizing the board to suit your needs. *Steel or magnet-attached items are available.

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